This is my first ever blog! Wow, well first ever going-to-stick-with-it, blog. That is an important distinction I think. I will be using this blog to keep track of the personal side of my time with the Peace Corps. To be fair I could have started this blog about a year and a half ago but I don't think that anyone would have been interested in the copious amount of paperwork I had to do and the loooonng wait in between paper work getting to this point.
Today I realized that I am about a month and a half away from leaving home. In June I will be leaving to begin training in the country of Moldova as an English Education volunteer. Where is Moldova you say? Not surprising, I said the same thing. But to clear things up, Moldova is a small Eastern European country between Romania and Ukraine.
This blog is part of a three part journal study I am doing for my master's thesis as well as a way to let friends, family, and acquaintances know what I'm up to. It will be a way to add details and comments I'm probably going to leave out of my more "scholarly" journals.
At this point I am still at home in Alaska, anxiously realizing that the end of this semester is only three weeks away, my comprehensive exams are four week away, and leaving for Moldova is around seven weeks away!! I am checking off items on my getting ready lists and starting to realize how real this is. Like I said in the beginning, WOW!