Hi everyone,
I know that I said I would keep up with this whole blog thing, I did have the best of intention but lack of time and sometimes access to internet has restricted that. Since I have a free moment I will try to catch up on everything. I have been in Moldova 4 weeks now (if we count this week) and it has both flown by and crawled by. We have language classes 6 days a week for half the day and technical sessions-or classes on how to teach in Moldova-for 3-5 days a week. So you can imagine that we have been kept busy, busy, busy. I also do a lot with my host family. They love to have friends and family over and go visit friends and family. It has been great for me because I get to meet a lot of new people. Generally that is hard for me so I really lucked out.
I have told a lot of people but not all that I am learning Russian. I will be going to a site with a lot of Russian speakers, for example a town or region where there is a ethnic Russian settlement, so the PC said "Let her learn Russian!" It will be really good for latter on because I will still have plenty of chances to learn Romanian and this way I start with the language that is "harder" to learn first. I get to find out where my site will be really soon, so I can start making my 2 years plans.
In addition to all the learning and studying we have excursions to learn about Moldovan culture and they also feed us. So far we have had team building and a cultural day. It is fun because all the volunteers come together for these days were usually we are broken up by program.
Well, this isn't a terribly long blog but I will say that I live in a very nice house, with a very nice family, and I have a flushing toilet for all those who are wondering what my life has been like so far. :)
Till next post!
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