Friday, July 16, 2010

Sweet, sweet internet

Hello everybody!!  I just wanted to say that I am truly enjoying my time on the internet right now.  I have answered many an email and now I am keeping on track with my blogging schedule.  I am also enjoying being cool indoors because outside it is close to 90 degrees F, which wouldn't be so bad if it were not also very humid.  As you can imagine, coming from Fairbanks I have little experience with extending periods of humidity and wish that it would just away.  We will have a rainstorm and I think "oh good, it will cool off now", no, it just continues to be HOT and HUMID.  Not my favorite combination.  But such is life.  On the plus side my family here has a rainwater shower outside so I get to take a cool, refreshing shower at the end of the day.  How I love thee outdoor shower.  It is really the little things that make life enjoyable.  

Every week leads us closer to the end of PST or in the case of the English education volunteers, practice school.  In practice school we get to test our mettle and knowledge gained from all of the PST in teaching.  On the plus side it ends with what we would call a field day for the students who participated and gave over their young minds to our care.  My group is planning to have some good old fashioned field day activities such as an egg walk, a three-legged race, and who knows what else.  Fun stuff to be sure.  It might be sad but we are looking forward to that day a little more than practice school.  But that is mostly because we know that the field day will be the end of practice school and very close to our swearing in day.  That coveted day where we officially become volunteers and end the exhausting yet exhilarating time of PST.

Even though we, as a group, have been fairly busy I have still had the opportunity to go to events with my host family and experience some Moldovan hospitality.  I have eaten and drank maybe more that I really wanted to but it was all delicious and in the spirit of being a good guest.  They make some great things here like stuffed peppers, compote (like juice with the fruit left in it), meat in general.  Then there is all the fresh fruits and veggies.  I get to eat a tomato and a cucumber on a daily basis.  Right now there a plums, peaches, and apricots in season.  I have to say I did not realize the breadth of the different types of plums, peaches and apricots in the world.  I have had small yellow plums and a wide variety of apricots all delicious.  We definitely miss out by only having a supermarket variety.


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